Cherry orchard

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February 24, 2022 became a black day for Ukrainians. Hundreds of thousands of men sent their families to distant countries, and themselves stood up to protect their home from absolute evil.

What is a home? There are no words in any language to describe what you are ready to give your life for.

Home is not walls.
Home is the place where your heart began to beat.
Home is the place where the whole family gathers for Easter.
Home is a cherry orchard around the house, where your children play with the dog.

I did not create this project for a competition. This is a real project of a house for a family of 4 persons in the suburbs of Zaporizhzhia. In a very picturesque place near the banks of the Dnipro River. Construction began in the fall of 2021, but had to be stopped due to russian aggression. Now you can hear constant artillery fire from here. Russian rockets also periodically fly over residential buildings.

But the darkness is not eternal. Even after the darkest night comes the dawn.
We will finish this house. And we will also restore thousands more destroyed houses. Our cities will become even better than they were before the war.

And our cherry orchard around the house will bloom.

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