The Family Cottage

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Hi Everyone !

Such a nice Challenge !
I would like to freeze time through this image and try to transcribe what this place symbolizes for me.

Located in the heart of Provence, in South of France, this region is full of riches. Built with local sandstone, the cottage is situated in the middle of a vineyard belonging to my grandfather, who is a farmer.
Past, present, future, this cottage is full of history, it was built over a century ago to accommodate a worker and his horse. After a fire caused by squatters, my grandfather decided to renovate it himself, a decade ago, with his own means. The cottage had previously belonged to his father-in-law. He wanted it to endure over time and become a place of rest and conviviality.

Although, I haven't spent much time at the cottage myself, but this place symbolizes perfectly what is for me the family spirit. Today, this place invites us to escape and gather to enjoy the present moment. This challenge made me aware of the importance of such a place, and now, i have the desire to spend more time there to recharge myself and chill !.

As a 3D graphic designer specialized in architecture for 9 years, I work for "Valentin Studio" 3D agency in Lyon, France.
For this project, I decided to learn and introduce photogrammetry using a camera "Fujifilm X-S10" and "Reality Capture" software to include some assets and textures.

Software and equipment used

3DS Max, Corona Renderer, RealtyCapture, Photoshop, Fusion Studio 18

30 June 2023

These are Final Renders with Post-Production in Fusion Only.

All the renders are done in one Max files. I organized it with Scene Manager and RenderManager From Pulze.IO.

I use corona sun and sky with clouds for clear days and HDRI for the end of the day.

29 June 2023

This is the whites renders of the final project.

29 June 2023

A preview of my final render with a capture of 3DSMax viewport.
The vegetation I used somes Megascan, Maxtree and GlobePlant assets.
I quickly modeled a specificly kind of Flowers in the grass, the "Mascarin à grappe".

To the background, I photography the environment in 360° and used the "photomerge" option of photoshop to combine the pictures.

29 June 2023

Two examples of vine scans. I had to build them in two time because to begening I tried to scan them juste with up and down, but the software haden't enought informations to create a great object.

I had a better result with 200-300 pictures in 360 degres around of the vine plant. I had a 9M polygones mesh that I reduce in 500K with the same way as previously.

29 June 2023

Somes examples of the scan in RealityCapture.
I'm totally new with photogrametry techniques so please, be nice with me haha <3

I used 281 of 6k pictures which takes around 1h30 of compilation in HD.
The rooftop wasn't great captured because I was too down during the capture.
Like some other parts, so i added some 3d models windows, roofs ... etc.

Now the lowpoly has 4Million of polygons. It's great.

29 June 2023

After placed a little bit of vegetation, I tried in a first time to import a scan of the shed. But it was too eavy (around 400 millions of polygons) so I had to transform it in a low poly version and reproject details of highpoly textures directly in RealilyCapture. Now i've a 7 millions of polygons for continue to work.

I come back later for better quality export.

For the Road i use Quixel Mixer and photoshop

29 June 2023

I still add quicks details with chaos scatter of Corona Render to make the grass. But it was slowly because of the scale of the project. I had needed more precision and maniability so I finished to buy Forest Pack for vines and get Raiclone Lite to the stakes.

29 June 2023

The first step was the "blocking". I placed a box to simulate the location of the shed. I used Sketchup to export the ground with the real topography based on the real localisation. The goal was to place the vineyard at the good place and in real size.
This is a key step to the rest of the project.

I tested very quickly differents ways to create randoms vineyards. First with tyflow like in this example because I haden't ForestPack or Raiclone.

Now I have a good base to test my firsts lightings.

15 April 2023

Here are pictures taken by myself of this cottage for inspiration and to feel the atmosphere of this area.